Diving into Perspectives: London's Critical Theory Summer School Experience

23 November, 2023

Author(s): Amal Chowdhury


When I received the opportunity to delve into the world of critical theory at the renowned London Critical Theory Summer School, it felt like a defining moment in my academic journey. My background in pharmacy and my two-year experience at the prestigious BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, Brac University, a leading public health research institute, had me at a crossroad. I had been fortunate enough to be part of various projects and courses, ranging from topics like epidemiology to health systems management to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and even renewable energy, each brimming with purpose and impact. While working alongside visionary minds was rewarding it made me wonder about my true calling.

Amidst this rich tapestry of experiences, I found myself wrestling with a fundamental question: What field truly ignited my passion and deserved pursuit for my master's degree? It was a pivotal decision I needed to make before forging ahead. That's when I stumbled upon the Summer School opportunity.

The concept of a program that redefined psychoanalysis as a potent tool for deciphering the intricate web of social and political facets of life was simply irresistible. I enthusiastically applied and was fortunate to secure a spot. To add to my good fortune, my supportive supervisor recognized the significance of this endeavor and generously sponsored my participation.

The prospect of participating in the Summer School, rubbing shoulders with luminaries like Eyal Weizman, Jaqueline Rose, and Slavoj Zizek, filled me with anticipation. Unfortunately, the visa process threw a wrench in my plans, preventing me from physically attending. Nonetheless, I embraced the alternative, a virtual Summer School experience. The diverse mix of students, hailing from various backgrounds, disciplines, and research interests, fostered a dynamic environment that paved the way for invaluable transnational connections and discussions.

In one memorable post-lecture group discussion, a fellow student, an art curator, upon hearing my visa story and how I had submitted 47 supporting documents for my visa application only to get rejected– recounted a compelling story about an asian artist who had faced a barrage of challenges in securing a UK visa, ultimately being rejected. In response, this resilient artist transformed her ordeal into a powerful art piece. It consisted of printouts of email correspondence and the myriad documents she had submitted, shedding light on the struggles some face while others effortlessly access a country. This was a stark reminder of the inequalities and complexities of our world and more importantly how differently people can react to the same situation. While I sulked and vented to my friends this artist turned the rejection into art and made sure a piece of her made it to the UK, a poignant yet powerful narrative.

One of the most enriching facets of this experience was our collective ability to view the world through multiple lenses. Besides Jacqueline Rose's impeccable outfits, the post-class discussions with fellow participants became the highlight of my Summer School journey. While the lectures provided a foundational understanding, these discussions offered a platform to explore diverse viewpoints. During these discussions, I realized the power of hearing and considering different perspectives. They allowed me to break free from the confines of my own viewpoint, reminding me that our understanding of the world is heavily shaped by our personal experiences.

As participants shared their social traumas from various regions and eras, we sought commonalities and differences, aiming to devise collective strategies to address these challenges. This collaborative process yielded invaluable insights and discussions. It broadened my mindset, making me approach subjects with a more holistic perspective and unveiling the world in new and enlightening ways.

In retrospect, the Summer School experience was, without a doubt, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has left an indelible mark on my academic journey. Even now, as I reminisce about those transformative two weeks, I find myself yearning for a chance to do it all over again but next time hopefully in person.

Despite my naive (read: foolish) expectations, the Summer School wasn't a magical elixir that bestowed upon me the definitive answer to my master's pursuits, it imparted a far more valuable lesson. It instilled in me the importance of keeping an open mind, of humbling oneself in the presence of brilliant minds, and of having the unwavering belief that by honing my passions, I can make a lasting impact, making it a testament to my individuality.

While I may not have all the answers, I trust in the transformative power of education and the resilience of the human spirit to make an enduring mark on this world, one step at a time.